Just because things begin to move faster and get busier during certain times of the year (like the beginning of the school year, the fall holidays, and the beginning of summer)…doesn’t mean that we should ignore our routines.  It is so easy to lose focus when activity picks up and there is a lot going on.  But when we lose track of our daily routines it affects our grounding, our root chakra, the foundation of our being.

So when I notice these ‘octaves’ or those busy times when we are more productive and more active, I check in with myself to be sure I am sticking to my routines, or at least revising them to fit new schedules.  Sometimes it may be a challenge to fit in that exercise routine for example because you have been staying out later doing more outdoor activities since the days are longer and the weather is nicer.  And for SAHM’s sometimes it is just easier to sleep in later since the kids are out of school for the summer.  And if you are working outside of the home or are retired, you may just find that because there is more going on you are more tired at the end of the week and sleep in more on the weekend leaving you with less weekend to enjoy!

So I encourage you all to make a daily routine that includes the most important things you need to get done during your day.  I highly recommend the the Flylady at  flylady.net for daily routine planning tips.

What helps me to stay focused is my daily routines.  I have been following FLYlady for almost a decade now and it has really helped tame my house and mind during those hectic times of year.

Remember to stay grounded during these busy times.  And if you don’t know what grounding is or how to balance your chakras, call me and schedule a session today!

I do hope you are all enjoying this wonderful weather.  It is my Favorite time of year!

Love & Hugs…

Heather Lorsong